2025 Relay Team State Goals

Cross Timbers Gazette: Flower Mound Water Jags relay team looks to fill key spot in pursuit of state gold

Flower Mound Water Jags relay team looks to fill key spot in pursuit of state gold

Cross Timbers Gazette | By John English | September 8, 2024

The Flower Mound 200 Medley relay team finished third at state last season to bring home a bronze medal for the Jaguars swimming program.

With three of the four members back, the quest is for Gold this year and the question is who is going to replace Sebastian Marrujo to help Luke Garrett, Dallas Jones and Aubrey Jaya achieve their objective.

“I feel good that they should be in conversation to win,” head coach Anthony Arbogast said. “It is so early in the season that I have not looked to see what other teams may have lost or gained from last year. I just want them to focus on what it takes to win and put in the work.”

The Flower Mound coach said he has not fully decided on the fourth swimmer, but said he has a couple of athletes that he will be evaluating for the final spot.

Relay team member Luke Garrett swims the backstroke for Flower Mound and said he was extremely pleased with his performance this past year, as the Jaguars had finished 15th at state the year before.

“It meant a lot— it was a goal ever since my freshman year with the guys to medal in that relay,” Garrett said. “Getting on the podium in front of a crowd that size kept us hungry for more and sparked a light in our teammates that surrounded us.”

Garrett said he tries to be a motivating influence on the team based on his experience at larger meets he has competed in outside of school.

“When they are nervous, I try to picture myself in their shoes and plan to help them calm their nerves,” Garrett said.

For Dallas Jones, who was not at all surprised that Flower Mound finished third at state given the level of talent on the team, he said he had a good feeling about the team’s chances long before the state meet ever arrived.

“I myself am a very analytical person, which led to me catching early on in the season that the four guys we had to put together for the 200 medley relay were capable of medaling more than any other event for this team,” Jones said. “Sebastian and I really shared the same vision on what was possible for our relay and with Luke and Aubrey obviously on board as well, our plan came into fruition.

“The amazing feeling of just standing there and representing my school fills me with pride. How many people can say they’ve medalled at 6A UIL State? At the end of the day, it’s a feeling like no other I’ve experienced.”

Aubrey Jaya, who goes by “Made” and swims the freestyle leg, said he tries to bring a positive attitude to every practice and meet, as well as hold his teammates accountable.

Jaya said he had to adopt a positive attitude to overcome a childhood injury that still nags him to this day.

“When I was 10 years old I tore my ACL playing soccer,” Jaya said. “I underwent surgery and had physical therapy every other day in the mornings before school. After eight months, I was finally able to participate in normal sports and day-to-day activities. This was a major setback in my swimming career because I wasn’t able to swim for most of my physical therapy period. To this day, the leg that underwent surgery is also still slightly weaker than my other leg.”

Jaya said the best thing about last year’s showing for him is that is left him wanting more.

“Medaling at the state meet was a major accomplishment for me and left me hungrier for this upcoming season,” Jaya said. “The feeling of standing on the podium with my teammates was unmatched.”

Jones, who swims breast stroke on the medley relay team said to bring home the gold it will take a couple of things, including somebody to step up to fill that fourth position solidly.

“In order to reach state again, that’s a given in my book,” Jones said. “As long as we don’t disqualify ourselves then there shouldn’t be a big issue getting to that stage. In order to win a state title though, a lot more has to be done. With the loss of Sebastian this past year, there is a big spot to fill on this relay. That doesn’t necessarily mean we need a butterflier, but it does indicate we need someone on our team to step up.

“Ian Poe (backstroke), Jerry Ting (butterfly), Dhruv Salvi (butterfly) and Jack LaClair (freestyle) all come to mind to fill this spot. As we get through TISCA, me, Luke, and Aubrey will be keeping a close eye on all four of these guys. Whoever shows out the most will be awarded the spot for our district meet. The relay order will change depending on who is picked as well. If that person can step up, we have a pretty decent shot at claiming a state title.”